Certiport - App Development with Swift Associate



Nur 2 Tage



Klassenraum / Online / Hybrid

nächster Termin

nächster Termin:

24.6.2024 (Montag)


On this accelerated App Development with Swift Associate course, individuals who earn the App Development with Swift Associate certification exemplify knowledge of key computing concepts and a solid foundation in programming with Swift. They’ll demonstrate knowledge of the impact of computing and apps on society, economies, and cultures while exploring iOS app development.

At the end of this course, you’ll achieve your App Development with Swift Associate certification.

Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology you’ll certify at twice the speed of traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.

  • 40% faster
  • Distraction-free environment.


In einem Firebrand Intensiv-Training profitieren Sie von folgenden Vorteilen:

  • Zwei Optionen - Präsenz- oder Onlinetraining
  • Ablenkungsfreie Lernumgebung
  • Eigene Trainings- und Prüfungszentren (Pearson VUE Select Partner)
  • Effektives Training mit praktischen Übungseinheiten und intensiver Betreuung durch unsere Trainer
  • Umfassendes Leistungspaket mit allem, was Sie benötigen, um Ihre Zertifizierung zu erhalten, inklusive unserer Firebrand Leistungsgarantie.


Planning, Design and Theory

1.1 Summarize the design cycle

1.1.1 Brainstorm, plan, prototype, evaluate

1.2 Summarize how sensitive data can be protected and compromised

1.2.1 Sharing personal and application information

1.2.2 Security challenges

1.2.3 Legal, ethical and socioeconomic impacts Project Navigation

2.1 Differentiate between basic file types

2.2 Recognize the assets available in a project

2.3 Define how assets are used

2.4 Import an asset to a project and use it correctly

2.5 Select the appropriate actions to hide or show different areas of the user interface

Interface Builder/iOS

3.1 Given a scenario, select the appropriate object(s) on the storyboard or the Document Outline

3.2 Use the Attributes inspector to non-programmatically modify the properties of objects and/or a view

3.3 Connect UIKit objects on storyboard to a Swift file

3.3.1 Differentiate between an IBOutlet and an IBAction

3.3.2 Determine when to connect an object as an IBOutlet or an IBAction

3.4 Programmatically modify the properties of objects and/or a view

Swift Language Usage

4.1 Write, call and/or evaluate the execution of functions

4.1.1 Evaluate the use of argument labels, parameters and returns

4.2 Calculate the results when using various operators

4.3 Create and evaluate structures

4.3.1 Declare the properties of a structure

4.3.2 Initialize the properties of a structure

4.3.3 Define methods

4.3.4 Create an instance of a structure

4.3.5 Use an instance of a structure

4.4 Create and manipulate arrays

4.4.1 Declare and/or initialize an array with values

4.4.2 Identify and/or modify an array element using its index

4.4.3 Use and/or evaluate array properties and/or methods

4.5 Demonstrate how to control the flow of execution

4.5.1 Create, analyze and predict loop structures and their results

4.5.2 Create and interpret the outcome of conditional statements

4.6 Create, use and/or compare custom enumerations

4.7 Declare and/or evaluate constants and variables of different data types

4.7.1 Differentiate between constants and variables

4.7.2 Apply type inference

4.7.3 Use explicit typing

4.8 Use the appropriate naming conventions

4.8.1 Use appropriate camel casing

4.8.2 Apply Swift identifier rules


5.1 Use the Connections inspector to evaluate whether a connection error has occurred

5.2 Given a connection error scenario, determine a solution

5.3 Differentiate between syntax and run-time errors when building and running an app

5.4 Interpret console error messages

5.5 Recognize the purpose of breakpoint

Exam Track

At the end of this accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered Certification Guarantee:

App Development with Swift Associate - 45 questions (50 minutes)

Aligns to Xcode Version 13.

What's Included


Students are expected to have completed at least 150 hours of instructional time before taking the certification exam.

Sind Sie sich unsicher, ob Sie die Voraussetzungen erfüllen? Wir besprechen gerne mit Ihnen Ihren technischen Hintergrund, Erfahrung und Qualifikation, um herauszufinden, ob dieser Intensivkurs der richtige für Sie ist.


Bereits 134561 Kursteilnehmer haben seit 2001 erfolgreich einen Firebrand-Kurs absolviert. Unsere aktuellen Kundenbefragungen ergeben: Bei 96.41% unserer Teilnehmer wurde die Erwartungshaltung durch Firebrand übertroffen!

"The tutors are exceptional, offering practical knowledge that's directly applicable. Their depth of experience in the field is evident, which is incredibly reassuring. While some concepts may initially feel overwhelming, the tutors have a knack for simplifying complex material, ensuring a solid understanding without the intimidation factor. Special thanks to the instructor."
Anonymous. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))

"The course was very insightful and was taught extremely well!"
Anonymous. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))

"Great teacher. Would recommend."
Stephen Fishwick, Lloyds banking group. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))

"It's been an amazing journey so far. Enjoyed all the training, networking and new skills gained."
Marinos Chalkiadakis, LBG. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))

"A great teacher, spends time explaining information and is always helpful."
Richard Cox, Lloyds banking group. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))







19.2.2024 (Montag)

20.2.2024 (Dienstag)

Kurs gelaufen - Hinterlasse Kommentar



24.6.2024 (Montag)

25.6.2024 (Dienstag)




5.8.2024 (Montag)

6.8.2024 (Dienstag)

Einige Plätze frei



16.9.2024 (Montag)

17.9.2024 (Dienstag)

Einige Plätze frei



28.10.2024 (Montag)

29.10.2024 (Dienstag)

Einige Plätze frei



9.12.2024 (Montag)

10.12.2024 (Dienstag)

Einige Plätze frei



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