Blockchain Council - Certified Solidity Developer



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Klassenraum / Online / Hybrid

nächster Termin

nächster Termin:

30.9.2024 (Montag)


This accelerated Blockchain Council Certified Solidity Developer course, is an exclusive exam-based certification, developed with the aim to offer a comprehensive knowledge of smart contract development through solidity. The curriculum has been put together by industry experts. Earning this certification will entitle you to become a smart contract developer, which is an extremely in-demand skill in the international job market. Certified Solidity Developer certification will revamp your career in Blockchain space.

A Solidity Developer is one who uses the object-oriented Solidity language to build and deploy smart contracts on ethereum based applications. Solidity is the native language of ethereum which gives enterprises the complete advantage of launching projects on the ethereum blockchain platform.

In just 1 day, you’ll:

  • Prove your Solidity skills & understanding
  • Grasp the in-depth knowledge of Ethereum & how it is implemented
  • Implement your skills in creating Solidity
  • Build your own Blockchain enterprise with acquired knowledge

At the end of this course, you’ll sit the Blockchain Council exam, and achieve your Blockchain Council Certified Solidity Developer certification. Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology, you’ll get certified at twice the speed of the traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.



This course is ideal for:

  • Blockchain Developer
  • Blockchain and smart contract developer
  • Smart contract consultant
  • Software Engineers
  • Application Architects
  • Programmers


In einem Firebrand Intensiv-Training profitieren Sie von folgenden Vorteilen:

  • Zwei Optionen - Präsenz- oder Onlinetraining
  • Ablenkungsfreie Lernumgebung
  • Eigene Trainings- und Prüfungszentren (Pearson VUE Select Partner)
  • Effektives Training mit praktischen Übungseinheiten und intensiver Betreuung durch unsere Trainer
  • Umfassendes Leistungspaket mit allem, was Sie benötigen, um Ihre Zertifizierung zu erhalten, inklusive unserer Firebrand Leistungsgarantie.


  • Module 1: What is Blockchain?
    • What is Blockchain?
    • Why is Blockchain a Distributed, P2P network?
    • Blockchain Vs Cryptocurrency
    • Blockchain Mining
    • Types of Mining
    • Who are Miners?
  • Module 2: Ethereum Blockchain
    • Ethereum Overview
    • Ethereum Clients
    • ERC-20 Overview
    • Ethereum Test Networks
  • Module 3: Ethereum Ecosystem
    • Ethereum Virtual Machine
    • Integrated Development Environment
    • Local Test node with RPC Interface
    • Command Line-based development tools
    • Code Analysers
    • Browsers
  • Module 4: Learning Solidity
    • Introduction to Solidity
    • Solidity – Beginners to Intermediate
    • Units in Ethereum
    • Exception handling
    • Exception handling
  • Module 5: Getting started with Smart Contracts
    • Introduction to Smart Contracts
    • Tools and Deployment on Testnet
  • Module 6: Developing Advanced Smart Contracts
    • Introduction to the Project
    • Setting up the Project
    • Creating ERC-20 Token Part 1
    • Creating ERC-20 Token Part 2
    • Developing Smart contract for dApp
    • Writing deployment Scripts
    • Issue Rewards and Wrapping


Exam Track

At the end of this accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered Certification Guarantee:

Blockchain Council Certified Solidity Developer exam

  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Format: Multiple choice
  • Number of questions: 100
  • Passing score: You need to acquire 60+ marks to clear the exam

After completing this certification, you would have mastered the core concepts of solidity language that are commonly used across multiple industries to build smart contracts.

What's Included


There are no prerequisites to attend this accelerated course.

Sind Sie sich unsicher, ob Sie die Voraussetzungen erfüllen? Wir besprechen gerne mit Ihnen Ihren technischen Hintergrund, Erfahrung und Qualifikation, um herauszufinden, ob dieser Intensivkurs der richtige für Sie ist.


Bereits 134561 Kursteilnehmer haben seit 2001 erfolgreich einen Firebrand-Kurs absolviert. Unsere aktuellen Kundenbefragungen ergeben: Bei 95.63% unserer Teilnehmer wurde die Erwartungshaltung durch Firebrand übertroffen!

"Alles super!"
Damian Rosamilia. (13.5.2024 (Montag) bis 17.5.2024 (Freitag))

"Veel lesstof in een korte tijd. "
MB. (13.5.2024 (Montag) bis 17.5.2024 (Freitag))

"Very positive and enriching experience professional and very well prepared."
Paolo Gallo. (8.4.2024 (Montag) bis 12.4.2024 (Freitag))

"Very positive and enriching experience professional and very well prepared."
Paolo Gallo. (8.4.2024 (Montag) bis 12.4.2024 (Freitag))

"Erst durch die professionellen Erklärungen des Trainers klärten sich die Konzepte und Zusammenhänge der massiven Menge von Informationen des CISM Kursmaterials. Der Trainer ist sehr erfahren und bringt sowohl den Stoff, als auch den "Geist" des CISM Kurses sehr verständlich rüber."
B.S., Helios Kliniken GmbH. (8.4.2024 (Montag) bis 11.4.2024 (Donnerstag))







27.5.2024 (Montag)

27.5.2024 (Montag)

Kurs gelaufen - Hinterlasse Kommentar



30.9.2024 (Montag)

30.9.2024 (Montag)




11.11.2024 (Montag)

11.11.2024 (Montag)

Einige Plätze frei




3.2.2025 (Montag)

3.2.2025 (Montag)

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17.3.2025 (Montag)

17.3.2025 (Montag)

Einige Plätze frei



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