Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Planning and Designing Databases on AWS



Nur 2 Tage



Klassenraum / Online / Hybrid

nächster Termin

nächster Termin:

10.2.2025 (Montag)


On this accelerated AWS: Planning and Designing Databases on AWS course, you will learn how to use AWS services when planning and designing databases.

In this course, you will also learn about the process of planning and designing both relational and nonrelational AWS databases. It will teach you how to use workload requirements to define database design considerations and also explore the features and capabilities of the eight AWS database services.

AWS: Planning and Designing Databases on AWS introduces you to the features and characteristics of each of these databases and shares the design considerations that you should make while using them. By taking this course, you can develop the analytical skills needed to choose the right AWS database for your unique needs.

In just 2 days, you’ll learn to apply database concepts, database management, and data modelling techniques. You’ll also learn how to:

  • Evaluate hosting databases on Amazon EC2 instances
  • Evaluate relational AWS database services and their features (Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, and Amazon Redshift)
  • Evaluate nonrelational AWS database services and their features (Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon Neptune, and Amazon QLDB) nning and Designing Databases on AWS
  • Plan and design your solutions with purpose-built Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud databases.
  • Analyse a business use case, analyse the workload, and assess application requirements to identify and design the most suitable AWS database solution to support your organizational needs.

At the end of this course, you’ll achieve your Planning and Designing Databases on AWS certification.

Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology, you’ll get certified at twice the speed of the traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.


This course is ideal for:

  • Data engineers
  • Solutions architects
  • Developers
  • IT professionals


In einem Firebrand Intensiv-Training profitieren Sie von folgenden Vorteilen:

  • Zwei Optionen - Präsenz- oder Onlinetraining
  • Ablenkungsfreie Lernumgebung
  • Eigene Trainings- und Prüfungszentren (Pearson VUE Select Partner)
  • Effektives Training mit praktischen Übungseinheiten und intensiver Betreuung durch unsere Trainer
  • Umfassendes Leistungspaket mit allem, was Sie benötigen, um Ihre Zertifizierung zu erhalten, inklusive unserer Firebrand Leistungsgarantie.


Module 1: AWS Purpose-Built Databases

  • Discussing well-architected databases
  • Analysing workload requirements
  • Choosing the data model
  • Choosing the right purpose-built database
  • Knowledge check

Module 2: Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

  • Discussing a relational database
  • What is Amazon RDS?
  • Why Amazon RDS?
  • Amazon RDS design considerations
  • Knowledge check

Module 3: Amazon Aurora

  • What is Amazon Aurora?
  • Why Amazon Aurora?
  • Aurora design considerations
  • Knowledge check
  • Challenge Lab 1: Working with Amazon Aurora databases
  • Class Activity 1: Choose the Right Relational Database

Module 4: Amazon DynamoDB

  • Discussing a key value database
  • What is DynamoDB?
  • Why DynamoDB?
  • DynamoDB design considerations
  • Knowledge check

Module 5: Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)

  • Discussing a wide-column database
  • What is Apache Cassandra?
  • What is Amazon Keyspaces?
  • Why Amazon Keyspaces?
  • Amazon Keyspaces design considerations
  • Knowledge check

Module 6: Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)

  • Discussing a document database
  • What is Amazon DocumentDB?
  • Why Amazon DocumentDB?
  • Amazon DocumentDB design considerations
  • Knowledge check

Module 7: Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB)

  • Discussing a ledger database
  • What is Amazon QLDB?
  • Why Amazon QLDB?
  • Amazon QLDB design considerations
  • Knowledge check
  • Class Activity 2: Choose the Right Nonrelational Database
  • Challenge Lab 2: Working with Amazon DynamoDB Tables

Module 8: Amazon Neptune

  • Discussing a graph database
  • What is Amazon Neptune?
  • Why Amazon Neptune?
  • Amazon Neptune design considerations
  • Knowledge check

Module 9: Amazon Timestream

  • Discussing a timeseries database
  • What is Amazon Timestream?
  • Why Amazon Timestream?
  • Amazon Timestream design considerations
  • Knowledge check

Module 10: Amazon ElastiCache

  • Discussing an in-memory database
  • What is ElastiCache?
  • Why ElastiCache?
  • ElastiCache design considerations
  • Knowledge check

Module 11: Amazon MemoryDB for Redis

  • What is Amazon MemoryDB (for Redis)?
  • Why Amazon MemoryDB?
  • Amazon MemoryDB design considerations
  • Knowledge check
  • Class Activity 3: Let’s Cache In

Module 12: Amazon Redshift

  • Discussing a data warehouse
  • What is Amazon Redshift?
  • Why Amazon Redshift?
  • Amazon Redshift design considerations
  • Knowledge check

Module 13: Tools for Working with AWS Databases

  • Data access and analysis with Amazon Athena
  • Data migration with SCT and DMS
  • Class Activity 4: Overall Picture Challenge
  • Lab 3: Working with Amazon Redshift clusters

Exam Track

At the end of this accelerated course, you’ll achieve your Planning and Designing Databases on AWS Certification.

This course provides opportunities for you to apply concepts through various activities. It includes instructor led presentations, demonstrations, individual and group activities, knowledge checks, and hands-on labs to apply concepts.

What's Included


Before attending this accelerated course, you should have:

  • Familiarity with AWS Database Services, equivalent to AWS Database Offerings digital training
  • Understanding of database design concepts and/or data modelling for relational or nonrelational databases
  • Familiarity with cloud computing concepts
  • Familiarity with general networking and encryption concepts Understanding of the three V’s of data (volume, velocity, and variety)

Sind Sie sich unsicher, ob Sie die Voraussetzungen erfüllen? Wir besprechen gerne mit Ihnen Ihren technischen Hintergrund, Erfahrung und Qualifikation, um herauszufinden, ob dieser Intensivkurs der richtige für Sie ist.


Bereits 134561 Kursteilnehmer haben seit 2001 erfolgreich einen Firebrand-Kurs absolviert. Unsere aktuellen Kundenbefragungen ergeben: Bei 95.45% unserer Teilnehmer wurde die Erwartungshaltung durch Firebrand übertroffen!

"Firebrand schafft eine optimale Umgebung, um schnell, viel zu lernen!"
M.P.. (4.12.2023 (Montag) bis 10.12.2023 (Sonntag))

"The Instructor hat a deep knowledge, patient and made the training fun."
E.A.. (4.12.2023 (Montag) bis 10.12.2023 (Sonntag))

"Think twice, dont do it."
Anonym (18.11.2019 (Montag) bis 24.11.2019 (Sonntag))

"If you have the brain, but not the time, Firebrand is the best for you."
Anonym (26.8.2019 (Montag) bis 29.8.2019 (Donnerstag))

"Excellent quality instruction; super intensive pace that will take you back 20 years to University exam cramming. "
Anonym (20.5.2019 (Montag) bis 23.5.2019 (Donnerstag))







26.8.2024 (Montag)

27.8.2024 (Dienstag)

Kurs gelaufen - Hinterlasse Kommentar




10.2.2025 (Montag)

11.2.2025 (Dienstag)

Einige Plätze frei



24.3.2025 (Montag)

25.3.2025 (Dienstag)

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5.5.2025 (Montag)

6.5.2025 (Dienstag)

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16.6.2025 (Montag)

17.6.2025 (Dienstag)

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