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Bereiten Sie sich mit Firebrand in nur 5 Tagen auf Dynamics CRM 2013 in der Cloud vor. Dieser Intensivkurs wird offiziell von Microsoft empfohlen, um Ihnen bei der Erlangung Ihrer CRM 2013 Online Kompetenz zu unterstützen.
Erlernen Sie die Administration von Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 durch die Erlangung Ihrer CRM 2013 Online Zertifizierung in nur 5 Tagen. In diesem Kurs erlangen Sie die akademische, strategische und praktische Erfahrung, welche für die erfolgreiche Steuerung der aktuellsten Dynamics CRM Systeme benötigt wird.
Dieser Intensivkurs deckt die Schlüsselbereiche der Implementierung von Dynamics CRM ab, sowohl als Microsoft Partner, als auch als Endnutzer. Für Microsoft Partner sind zwei Prüfungen im Kurs enthalten, durch die die Dynamics CRM Online Kompetenz erlangt wird. Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern wird es durch diesen Kurs möglich sein, direkt im Anschluss an die 5 Tage mit Dynamics CRM zu arbeiten.
Dieser Kurs bietet Ihnen einen Überblick über die CRM 2013-Funktionen, darunter:
Erlangen Sie Ihre Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Online Zertifizierung und Sie werden sich als CRM 2013-Experte profilieren und abheben können.
The Sales module within Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides a flexible framework for organisations to track, manage, and analyse parts of their sales cycle as well as its overall success.
This course describes the components used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales Management and explains how they can apply to various business scenarios. It also details the entities or record types that Microsoft Dynamics CRM uses to track sales from potential to close. With this information, organisations can determine which aspects of the Sales module framework are appropriate for their organisation.
This module introduces the tracking and management features of the Sales module in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. It is rare that two organisations follow the same sales process, even if the organisations are within the same industry. For this reason, Microsoft Dynamics CRM does not dictate a rigid process. Instead it provides a framework around which an organisation can build a custom sales process.
This module describes the components of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM sales process. It also details the entities or record types Microsoft Dynamics CRM uses to track sales from potential to close. With this information, organisations can determine which aspects of the sales process framework are appropriate for them.
In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, qualified leads, such as those that have estimated revenue associated with them, become opportunities. When a prospect or customer expresses qualified interest in buying the business' products or services, that prospect or customer is considered an opportunity. This is an important part of the sales process because this is where the sales team spends most of its time and effort. The process of working on an opportunity may include several customer interactions. How well the sales team manages this stage can mean the difference between a win and a loss.
This course describes the role of the product catalog in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and the benefits of using it. It shows the tasks that are required to configure a product catalog, including setting up and maintaining unit groups, products, and price lists. It also describes and demonstrates the important role of the product catalog and price lists in the sales process.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides tools that capture important sales information and uncover new business opportunities. Although quotes, orders, and invoices are important to the sales process and provide a complete view of the customer, implementing a sales process allows users to initiate, track, and close sales consistently and efficiently.
The product catalog in Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps companies build a central repository for managing products, services, charges, and fees. The tasks required to set up a product catalog include setting up and maintaining unit groups, products, and price lists. Microsoft Dynamics CRM also supports discount lists, which help companies provide customers with incentives to buy more products.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM uses two record types known as Goal Metrics and Goals. These record types combine to provide a powerful, flexible set of goal management features. Goal management allows organisations to track individual, team, and organisational progress toward specific goals.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM includes a comprehensive set of features that increases the efficiency of customer service operations. This module introduces Microsoft Dynamics CRM Customer Service terminology and customer scenarios that the Customer Service module might be used. The module discusses the basic components of case management, and works with the knowledge base, queues, and service contracts. The module also provides an overview of service scheduling and service management.
Customer service is important to a customer relationship management strategy. Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides many features that organisations can use to manage the services they provide to customers. This module discusses cases and how the cases can be used together in service management functions.
Most customer service organisations use a knowledge base to provide customer service representatives (CSRs) with the information that they must have to answer questions about a product or service. In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the Knowledge Base provides a central repository for an organisation's information, stored as Articles and organised by Subject.
A queue is an area that is used to organise and store activities and work items that are waiting to be processed. A queue is also used for activities and work items that are currently being worked on. Microsoft Dynamics CRM includes queuing and workflow tools to improve how incoming requests for sales, marketing, and customer service are handled.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides many features that organisations can use to manage the services they provide to customers. This module describes how contracts can be used together with other record types in Microsoft Dynamics CRM to help service and manage functions.
In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, many methods are available to analyse and report Service Management information. By default, several reports are available, and this includes the “Case Summary Table” report. This report is discussed in this module.
This module provides an overview of the service scheduling features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The organisations that use service scheduling require a complex combination of resources. Service scheduling considers the availability of employees, facilities, and equipment to make sure that the resources are available to deliver service activities for customers.
Wir bereiten Sie auf die folgenden Prüfungen vor, welche Sie als Teil des Intensivkurses ablegen werden:
Sie sollten ein grundsätzliches Verständnis der folgenden Punkte mitbringen:
Sind Sie sich unsicher, ob Sie die Voraussetzungen erfüllen? Wir besprechen gerne mit Ihnen Ihren technischen Hintergrund, Erfahrung und Qualifikation, um herauszufinden, ob dieser Intensivkurs der richtige für Sie ist.
Bereits 134561 Kursteilnehmer haben seit 2001 erfolgreich einen Firebrand-Kurs absolviert. Unsere aktuellen Kundenbefragungen ergeben: Bei 94.70% unserer Teilnehmer wurde die Erwartungshaltung durch Firebrand übertroffen!
"Intensives lernreiches Training."
HJ, Jost KMU Consulting. (24.9.2014 (Mittwoch) bis 29.9.2014 (Montag))
"Intensives Training und volle Konzentration durch abgeschiedene Lage des Trainingsstandorts. Praxisnahe Fragen wurden ebenfalls besprochen.
Gute Gruppendynamik. "
Sonia Peltier Dreier, Fichtner IT Consulting AG. (24.9.2014 (Mittwoch) bis 29.9.2014 (Montag))
"I found the course interesting but long and hard. I did find that I was learning more than I thought I was however the last day of the course was a bit of a struggle. The trainer was very good and knowledgeable."
Anonym (3.2.2015 (Dienstag) bis 8.2.2015 (Sonntag))
"Very good, hard and worth doing."
Gerry Connern, JFC. (12.8.2014 (Dienstag) bis 17.8.2014 (Sonntag))
"Firebrand training is a new challenging way to learn, I attended the MS CRM2013 online on August 2014 and I've learned more in one week that I could possibly imagine.
Firebrand courses demand your undivided attention, and you'll be doing the course with highly motivated individuals with similar interests to yourself. "
Colm Concannon, JFC Manufacturing Co Ltd. (12.8.2014 (Dienstag) bis 17.8.2014 (Sonntag))
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Anmelden |
26.8.2024 (Montag) |
31.8.2024 (Samstag) |
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10.2.2025 (Montag) |
15.2.2025 (Samstag) |
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24.3.2025 (Montag) |
29.3.2025 (Samstag) |
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5.5.2025 (Montag) |
10.5.2025 (Samstag) |
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16.6.2025 (Montag) |
21.6.2025 (Samstag) |
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