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This accelerated CertiPort HTML5 Application Development, Information Technology Specialist program is a way for students validate entry level IT skills sought after by employers. The IT Specialist program is aimed at candidates who are considering or just beginning a path to a career in information technology
Candidates for this exam will demonstrate their ability to use HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to build responsive web applications that will run on a variety of touch-enabled devices, including PCs, tablets, and phones.
At the end of this course, you’ll achieve your CertiPort HTML5 Application Development certification.
Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology you’ll certify at twice the speed of traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.
40% faster
Distraction-free environment
Candidates for this exam will demonstrate their ability to use HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to build responsive web applications that will run on a variety of touch-enabled devices, including PCs, tablets, and phones.
CertiPort HTML5 Application Development
1.1 Describe the application lifecycle management stages
• Plan, design, develop, test, deploy, and maintain
1.2 Debug and test web apps
• Input validation errors, runtime errors, breakpoints
2. Graphics and Animation
2.1 Use the canvas element to create graphics and animations
• shape, color, line, translate/move, rotate, scale, interactivity
2.2 Use the svg element to create and display graphics
• Advantages, inline vs. referenced XML, shapes, color, SVG filter effects 2.3 Transform, style, and enhance text and graphics
• Graphics effects (rounded corners, shadows, transparency, background gradients, typography, and Web Open Font Format), 2-D and 3-D transformations (translate, scale, rotate, skew, and 3-D perspective transitions and animations), keyframes
2.4 Apply CSS filters to images
• grayscale, blur, sepia, opacity, drop-shadow, saturate
3. Forms
3.1 Construct and analyze markup that uses form elements
• datalist, fieldset, meter, legend, output
3.2 Configure input validation
• Validation attributes, pattern attribute for regular expressions, correct data type, length, required value
4. Layouts
4.1 Manage content layout, positioning, and flow by using CSS
• Content flow (inline vs. block flow), positioning of individual elements (float vs. absolute positioning), content overflow (scrolling, visible, and hidden), basic CSS styling
4.2 Construct layouts by using responsive design • grid view, background-size, images, picture, viewport, responsive width, media queries
4.3 Construct flexible responsive layouts by using CSS flexbox
• flex container (flex-direction, flex-flow, flex-wrap), flex items (flex-basis, flex-grow, flex-shrink, order, flex) 4.4 Construct grid-based layouts by using CSS grid
• container, items, templates, gap
5. JavaScript Coding
5.1 Create and use custom classes
• Instantiation, properties, methods, inheritance
5.2 Perform data access by using JavaScript
• Send and receive data, transmit and parse complex objects, load and save files, XML, JSON 5.3 Construct code that responds to events by using event listeners and handlers
• Gesture events, handling multiple events, Event object, bubbling vs. cascading
5.4 Construct code that uses JavaScript APIs
• Google Charts, jQuery, Geolocation
5.5 Manage the state of an application
• Session state vs. app state, where to store state (local vs. session storage)
As part of your accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered by your Certification Guarantee:
33 - 44 MCQ
Duration - 50 Minutes
Candidates should have at least 150 hours on instruction or hands-on experience with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript ES6 and be familiar with the foundational concepts of those technologies.
To be successful on the test, the candidate is also expected to have the following prerequisite knowledge and skills:
Sind Sie sich unsicher, ob Sie die Voraussetzungen erfüllen? Wir besprechen gerne mit Ihnen Ihren technischen Hintergrund, Erfahrung und Qualifikation, um herauszufinden, ob dieser Intensivkurs der richtige für Sie ist.
Bereits 134561 Kursteilnehmer haben seit 2001 erfolgreich einen Firebrand-Kurs absolviert. Unsere aktuellen Kundenbefragungen ergeben: Bei 94.70% unserer Teilnehmer wurde die Erwartungshaltung durch Firebrand übertroffen!
"The tutors are exceptional, offering practical knowledge that's directly applicable. Their depth of experience in the field is evident, which is incredibly reassuring. While some concepts may initially feel overwhelming, the tutors have a knack for simplifying complex material, ensuring a solid understanding without the intimidation factor. Special thanks to the instructor."
Anonymous. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))
"The course was very insightful and was taught extremely well!"
Anonymous. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))
"Great teacher. Would recommend."
Stephen Fishwick, Lloyds banking group. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))
"It's been an amazing journey so far. Enjoyed all the training, networking and new skills gained."
Marinos Chalkiadakis, LBG. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))
"A great teacher, spends time explaining information and is always helpful."
Richard Cox, Lloyds banking group. (29.4.2024 (Montag) bis 1.5.2024 (Mittwoch))
Start |
Ende |
Verfügbarkeit |
Standort |
Anmelden |
26.8.2024 (Montag) |
27.8.2024 (Dienstag) |
Kurs gelaufen - Hinterlasse Kommentar |
- |
10.2.2025 (Montag) |
11.2.2025 (Dienstag) |
Einige Plätze frei |
Überregional |
24.3.2025 (Montag) |
25.3.2025 (Dienstag) |
Einige Plätze frei |
Überregional |
5.5.2025 (Montag) |
6.5.2025 (Dienstag) |
Einige Plätze frei |
Überregional |
16.6.2025 (Montag) |
17.6.2025 (Dienstag) |
Einige Plätze frei |
Überregional |