Microsoft - MCSA: Universal Windows Platform



Only 7 Days



Classroom / Online / Hybrid

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30.9.2024 (Monday)


On your accelerated MCSA: Universal Windows Platform certification course, learn the skills to build apps for the Universal Windows Platform that can be experienced across a wide range of Windows devices.

This accelerated six-day course is 40% faster than traditional training. Your Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) will immerse you in learning Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC). Using our unique Lecture | Lab | Review technique, you will reinforce theory with hands-on labs to put your learning into practice, developing real world skills relevant to the workplace. Review sessions will help commit your learning to memory, while giving you the opporunity to focus on difficult topics.

You'll learn the key concepts of programming in C# and modern application development, including:

  • Reviewing the basics of C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details
  • Developing the Code for a Graphical Application
  • Improving Application Performance and Responsiveness
  • Encrypting and Decrypting Data
  • Developing a XAML page layout for an adaptive UI
  • Implement feature detection for adaptive coding

You will sit exams 70-483 and 70-357 during the course, covered by your Certification Guarantee. Earning the MCSA: Universal Windows Platform certification qualifies you for a position as a software developer or web quality engineer. The certification will also act as a prerequisite for the MCSD: App Builder.

Please note: Exam 70-483: Programming in C# now results in the Microsoft Specialist certification.

Four reasons why you should sit your MCSA Universal Windows Platform course with Firebrand Training

  1. You'll be MCSA Universal Windows Platform trained and certified faster. Learn more on this 7-day accelerated course. You'll get at least 12 hours a day of quality learning time in a distraction-free environment
  2. Your MCSA Universal Windows Platform course is all-inclusive. One simple price covers all course materials, exams, accommodation and meals – so you can focus on learning
  3. Pass MCSA Universal Windows Platform first time or train again for free. Your expert instructor will deliver our unique accelerated learning methods, allowing you to learn faster and be in the best possible position to pass first time. In the unlikely event that you don't, it's covered by your Certification Guarantee
  4. Study MCSA Universal Windows Platform with an award-winning training provider. We've won the Learning and Performance Institute's "Training Company of the Year" three times. Firebrand is your fastest way to learn, with 134561 students saving more than one million hours since 2001


Seven reasons why you should sit your course with Firebrand Training

  1. Two options of training. Choose between residential classroom-based, or online courses
  2. You'll be certified fast. With us, you’ll be trained in record time
  3. Our course is all-inclusive. A one-off fee covers all course materials, exams**, accommodation* and meals*. No hidden extras.
  4. Pass the first time or train again for free. This is our guarantee. We’re confident you’ll pass your course the first time. But if not, come back within a year and only pay for accommodation, exams and incidental costs
  5. You’ll learn more. A day with a traditional training provider generally runs from 9 am – 5 pm, with a nice long break for lunch. With Firebrand Training you’ll get at least 12 hours/day of quality learning time, with your instructor
  6. You’ll learn faster. Chances are, you’ll have a different learning style to those around you. We combine visual, auditory and tactile styles to deliver the material in a way that ensures you will learn faster and more easily
  7. You’ll be studying with the best. We’ve been named in the Training Industry’s “Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year” every year since 2010. As well as winning many more awards, we’ve trained and certified over 135,000 professionals
  • * For residential training only. Doesn't apply for online courses
  • ** Some exceptions apply. Please refer to the Exam Track or speak with our experts


Course 20483C: Programming in C#

Module 1: Review of Visual C# Syntax

In this module, you will learn about some of the core features provided by the .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio. You will also learn about some of the core Visual C# constructs that enable you to start developing .NET Framework applications.


  • Overview of Writing Application by Using Visual C#
  • Data Types, Operators, and Expressions
  • Visual C# Programming Language Constructs

Lab: Implementing Edit Functionality for the Students List

  • Implementing Insert Functionality for the Students List
  • Implementing Delete Functionality for the Students List
  • Displaying a Student’s Age

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the architecture of .NET Framework applications and the features that Visual Studio 2017 and Visual C# provide
  • Use basic Visual C# data types, operators, and expressions
  • Use standard Visual C# constructs

Module 2: Creating Methods, Handling Exceptions, and Monitoring Applications

In this module, you will learn how to create and use methods and how to handle exceptions. You will also learn how to use logging and tracing to record the details of any exceptions that occur.


  • Creating and Invoking Methods
  • Creating Overloaded Methods and Using Optional and Output Parameters
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Monitoring Applications

Lab: Extending the Class Enrolment Application Functionality

  • Refactoring the Enrolment Code
  • Validating Student Information
  • Saving Changes to the Class List

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create and invoke methods
  • Create overloaded methods and use optional parameters
  • Handle exceptions
  • Monitor applications by using logging, tracing, and profiling

Module 3: Basic types and constructs of Visual C#

In this module, you will learn how to create and use structs and enums, organise data into collections, and create and subscribe to events.


  • Implementing structs and enums
  • Organising Data into Collections
  • Handling Events

Lab: Writing the Code for the Grades Prototype Application

  • Adding Navigation Logic to the Grades Prototype Application
  • Creating Data Types to Store User and Grade Information
  • Displaying User and Grade Information

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create and use structs and enums
  • Use collection classes to organise data
  • Create and subscribe to events

Module 4: Creating Classes and Implementing Type-Safe Collections

In this module, you will learn how to use interfaces and classes to define and create your own custom, reusable types. You will also learn how to create and use enumerable, type-safe collections of any type.


  • Creating Classes
  • Defining and Implementing Interfaces
  • Implementing Type-Safe Collections

Lab: Adding Data Validation and Type-Safety to the Application

  • Implementing the Teacher, Student, and Grade Structs as Classes
  • Adding Data Validation to the Grade Class
  • Displaying Students in Name Order
  • Enabling Teachers to Modify Class and Grade Data

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Create and instantiate classes
  • Create and instantiate interfaces
  • Use generics to create type-safe collections

Module 5: Creating a Class Hierarchy by Using Inheritance

In this module, you will learn how to use inheritance to create class hierarchies and to extend .NET Framework types.


  • Creating Class Hierarchies
  • Extending .NET Framework Classes

Lab: Refactoring Common Functionality into the User Class

  • Refactoring Common Functionality into the User Class
  • Implementing Password Complexity by Using an Abstract Method
  • Creating the ClassFullException Custom Exception

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Create base classes and derived classes by using inheritance
  • Create classes that inherit from .NET Framework classes

Module 6: Reading and Writing Local Data

In this module, you will learn how to read and write data by using transactional file system I/O operations, how to serialise and deserialise data to the file system, and how to read and write data to the file system by using streams.


  • Reading and Writing Files
  • Serialising and Deserialising Data
  • Performing I/O by Using Streams

Lab: Generating the Grades Report

  • Serialising Data for the Grades Report as XML
  • Previewing the Grades Report
  • Persisting the Serialised Grade Data to a File

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Read and write data to and from the file system by using file I/O
  • Convert data into a format that can be written to or read from a file or other data source
  • Use streams to send and receive data to or from a file or data source

Module 7: Accessing a Database

In this module, you will learn how to create and use entity data models (EDMs) and how to query many types of data by using Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).


  • Creating and Using Entity Data Models
  • Querying Data by Using LINQ

Lab: Retrieving and Modifying Grade Data

  • Creating an Entity Data Model from The School of Fine Arts Database
  • Updating Student and Grade Data by Using the Entity Framework
  • Extending the Entity Data Model to Validate Data

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Create, use, and customise an EDM
  • Query data by using LINQ

Module 8: Accessing Remote Data

In this module, you will learn how to use the request and response classes in the System.Net namespace to directly manipulate remote data sources. You will also learn how to use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Data Services to expose and consume an entity data model (EDM) over the web.


  • Accessing Data Across the Web
  • Accessing Data by Using OData Connected Services

Lab: Retrieving and Modifying Grade Data Remotely

  • Creating a WCF Data Service for the SchoolGrades Database
  • Integrating the Data Service into the Application
  • Retrieving Student Photographs Over the Web (If Time Permits)

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Send data to and receive data from web services and other remote data sources
  • Access data by using WCF Data Services

Module 9: Designing the User Interface for a Graphical Application

In this module, you will learn how to use Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to create engaging UIs.


  • Using XAML to Design a User Interface
  • Binding Controls to Data

Lab: Customising Student Photographs and Styling the Application

  • Customising the Appearance of Student Photographs
  • Styling the Logon View
  • Animating the StudentPhoto Control (If Time Permits)

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Use XAML to design a UI
  • Bind a XAML control to data
  • Apply styles to a XAML UI

Module 10: Improving Application Performance and Responsiveness

In this module, you will learn how to improve the performance of your applications by distributing your operations across multiple threads.


  • Implementing Multitasking
  • Performing Operations Asynchronously
  • Synchronising Concurrent Access to Data

Lab: Improving the Responsiveness and Performance of the Application

  • Ensuring That the UI Remains Responsive When Retrieving Teacher Data
  • Providing Visual Feedback During Long-Running Operations

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Use the Task Parallel Library to implement multitasking
  • Perform long-running operations without blocking threads
  • Control how multiple threads can access resources concurrently

Module 11: Integrating with Unmanaged Code

In this module, you will learn how to interoperate unmanaged code in your applications and how to ensure that your code releases any unmanaged resources.


  • Creating and Using Dynamic Objects
  • Managing the Lifetime of Objects and Controlling Unmanaged Resources

Lab: Upgrading the Grades Report

  • Generating the Grades Report by Using Word
  • Controlling the Lifetime of Word Objects by Implementing the Dispose Pattern

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Integrate unmanaged code into a Microsoft Visual C# application by using the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)
  • Control the lifetime of unmanaged resources and ensure that your application releases resources

Module 12: Creating Reusable Types and Assemblies

In this module, you will learn how to consume existing assemblies by using reflection and how to add additional metadata to types and type members by using attributes. You will also learn how to generate code at run time by using the Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) and how to ensure that your assemblies are signed and versioned, and available to other applications, by using the global assembly cache (GAC).


  • Examining Object Metadata
  • Creating and Using Custom Attributes
  • Generating Managed Code
  • Versioning, Signing, and Deploying Assemblies

Lab: Specifying the Data to Include in the Grades Report

  • Creating and Applying the IncludeInReport attribute
  • Updating the Report
  • Storing the Grades
  • Utilities Assembly Centrally (If Time Permits)

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Use reflection to inspect and execute assemblies
  • Create and consume custom attributes
  • Generate managed code at run time by using CodeDOM
  • Version, sign, and deploy your assemblies to the GAC

Module 13: Encrypting and Decrypting Data

In this module, you will learn how to implement symmetric and asymmetric encryption and how to use hashes to generate mathematical representations of your data. You will also learn how to create and manage X509 certificates and how to use them in the asymmetric encryption process.


  • Implementing Symmetric Encryption
  • Implementing Asymmetric Encryption

Lab: Encrypting and Decrypting the Grades Report

  • Encrypting the Grades Report
  • Encrypting the Grades Report

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Encrypt data by using symmetric encryption
  • Encrypt data by using asymmetric encryption

Exam Track

You'll site the following exams at the Firebrand Training centre, during the course. This is covered by your Certification Guarantee.

Exam 70-483: Programming in C#

This exam will measure your skills with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012/13. Including:

  • Manage program flow (25–30%)
  • Create and use types (25–30%)
  • Debug applications and implement security (25–30%)
  • Implement data access (25–30%)

Exam 70-357: Developing Mobile Apps

This exam will measure your skills with Microsoft Visual Studio. Including:

  • Develop a XAML page layout for an adaptive UI (10–15%)
  • Implement page navigation and lifecycle events (10–15%)
  • Implement data access and data binding (20–25%)
  • Implement feature detection for adaptive coding (10–15%)
  • Manage user input and custom user interactions (10–15%)
  • Manage authentication and identity management (10–15%)
  • Implement notifications, background tasks, and reusable components (20–25%)

Both these exams are available in the following languages:

  • English
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese (Brazil)

What's Included

Microsoft Official Curriculum

  • MOC 20483: Programming in C#

Your accelerated course includes:

  • Accommodation *
  • Meals, unlimited snacks, beverages, tea and coffee *
  • On-site exams **
  • Exam vouchers **
  • Practice tests **
  • Certification Guarantee ***
  • Courseware
  • Up-to 12 hours of instructor-led training each day
  • 24-hour lab access
  • Digital courseware **
  • * For residential training only. Accommodation is included from the night before the course starts. This doesn't apply for online courses.
  • ** Some exceptions apply. Please refer to the Exam Track or speak with our experts
  • *** Pass first time or train again free as many times as it takes, unlimited for 1 year. Just pay for accommodation, exams, and incidental costs.


Before attending this course, it is recommended that you have the following experience with:

  • designing and developing Windows 10 apps
  • developing Windows apps using C# and XAML for more than two years
  • WPF or Silverlight for Windows Phone
  • Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern and Entity Framework
  • Authentication technologies
  • Visual Studio 2015 which is also highly recommended

More specifically, students should have hands-on experience using C# that demonstrates their understanding of the following:

  • How to name, declare, initialize and assign values to variables within an application
  • How to create a simple branching and looping structures
  • How to use the Visual Studio IDE to locate simple logic errors
  • How to design and build a simple user interface using standard controls from the Visual Studio toolbox
  • How to use: arithmetic, logical, relational operators

Unsure whether you meet the prerequisites? Don’t worry. Your training consultant will discuss your background with you to understand if this course is right for you.


Here's the Firebrand Training review section. Since 2001 we've trained exactly 134561 students and asked them all to review our Accelerated Learning. Currently, 95.98% have said Firebrand exceeded their expectations.

Read reviews from recent accelerated courses below or visit Firebrand Stories for written and video interviews from our alumni.

"I think Firebrand offers a very good and efficient concept to prepare for an exam in a very short period of time."
Anonymous (3.9.2018 (Monday) to 5.9.2018 (Wednesday))

"Good value."
Shankar Natesan. (3.9.2018 (Monday) to 5.9.2018 (Wednesday))

"Firebrand is a great bootcamp, where you can learn a lot and get very useful certifications. "
Adela Toma, Bearing Point. (19.3.2018 (Monday) to 24.3.2018 (Saturday))

"Perfect training!"
P. E.. (4.12.2017 (Monday) to 6.12.2017 (Wednesday))

"A high tempo and lots to learn from a great instructor. Thanks for helping me pass the exam in a quick tempo."
Seth Lindholm, Advitum AB (SWEDEN). (21.11.2016 (Monday) to 25.11.2016 (Friday))

Course Dates





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27.5.2024 (Monday)

2.6.2024 (Sunday)

Finished - Leave feedback



30.9.2024 (Monday)

6.10.2024 (Sunday)

Wait list



11.11.2024 (Monday)

17.11.2024 (Sunday)

Limited availability




3.2.2025 (Monday)

9.2.2025 (Sunday)




17.3.2025 (Monday)

23.3.2025 (Sunday)




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