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See prices now to find out how much you could save when you train at twice the speed.

Learn the cyber security skills you need to protect your business from crippling cyber-attacks with CertNexus - globally respected providers of first responder, IoT and cyber security certifications.

Get certified at twice the speed with Firebrand’s official accelerated courses. You’ll learn from established CertNexus instructors using the official curriculum and take your official exam during the course.

A number of CertNexus exams conform to the International Accreditation Service (IAS)/ International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 17024:2012 standard.

Achieve your CertNexus certification in less than a week and be the one who saves your business.

At Firebrand, we specialise in accelerated training that gets you competent, confident, and certified at twice the speed. Could one of our courses be right for you?
